Wages of low-paid skilled and unskilled workers grew by 7.23 per cent in April—2.01 percentage points below the inflation rate of 9.24 per cent that month, according to the Wage Rate Index (WRI) of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).
Monthly wage growth for workers in Bangladesh has been below the inflation rate for 15 months in a row, suggesting that many people have reduced consumption to cope with rising financial stress.
Wages of low-paid skilled and unskilled workers grew by 7.23 per cent in April.
With purchasing power falling, poorer households have reduced their food consumption.
Similar was the case in March, when the wages of such workers grew by 7.18 per cent—2.15 percentage points below the inflation rate of 9.33 per cent that month.
Wages of agricultural workers in April grew by 7.28 per cent in April, while it was 6.93 per cent and 7.6 per cent respectively for those in the industry and service sectors, Bangladesh media outlets reported.
A survey shows poorer households have reduced their consumption of meat, fish, eggs and staple foods like rice and wheat.
Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DS)
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